Thursday, January 31, 2008

Piggy Bank

My Roomie and I were looking for Birthday gift for a little girl who is now turning EIGHT.. The eight is in Caps as the little girls likes to pretend to be older than her age :-)
After a little thought for her craze for dancing and coloring, and her trying-to-be-older-than-her-age attitude, we chose to give her some sensible gift , a Piggy bank.. Something which will help her learn that little by little one can build up a fortune.
So "Do deewane sheher me , Raat me aur do peher me" started looking for a nice little piggy bank.
In US , we generally look for things in the Mall or the super-stores which boast
"We sell for less"
"All the Ingredients"
"Where It Begins"
"Its All Inside"
Don't stop living in the red"

So we went on the search .. Initially we had thought its going to be easy. But soon we found out that searching a Piggy Bank is like searching a needle in Haystack.
Toy-stores ? One of them had really ugly piggy banks or miniature locker-cupboards for Coin savers.
The store of world-famous Children's entertainers who say "Its a small world" dont keep piggy bank or even a mousy bank.
Card Stores? They have piggy bank marked "For our first baby", "Daughter's College fund", "You are turning 70" ,
Super stores -- Only one of them had Piggy bank which was huge enough to be a Pumpkin was too costly to be fit for a Piggy bank.
So after roaming in the mall for 3 hours, in a superstore for 1 hour and another for 1/2 hour in another store we dint buy anything :-(

Just a day before the birthday, we picked up some toy and gifted it to her.
Fortunately the little girl liked it!!


Unknown said...

If you were searching for a toy gun, I bet you could find it in each and every place you visited.

Nice post.

Aparna Pai said...

Toy guns, toy cars, Hannah Montana Stuff, Disney characters stuff , tattoo makers, hair painting, etc stuff was readily available..

For sometime I had a feeling, is this why America runs on credit cards?

PURN!MA said...

aah... that was a great idea to gift a piggy bank. Thanks! I could def. use that idea.

And yeah... what disappointment!!!


Sud said...

A piggy bank in a country that runs on borrowed money!